Yom ha-Zikaron program draws a crowd


A solemn gathering commemorated Yom ha-Zikaron on April 30 at the Alliance’s Dwares Jewish Community Center in Providence.


Since 1963, Yom ha-Zikaron, the Day of Remembrance for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism, has been Israel’s Memorial Day. On Yom ha-Zikaron, all of Israel pauses to pay tribute to the thousands who have been lost. It is celebrated the day before Yom ha-Atzmaut, Israel’s independence day.

At the JCC, more than 75 people crowded into the board room to hear the writings, set to music, of three soldiers who were killed while serving in the Israeli Defense Forces. The songs are part of the “Soon We Will Become a Song” project, an ongoing effort to preserve the memory of soldiers who were killed in the line of duty.

The audience heard Maayan Harel, who grew up in Barrington, sing the words of Omri Tal, Binyamin (Benny) Frank and Reuven Politi. Tal died in 2014. Frank died in 1974 and Politi died in 1973. Their writings were found after they died.

Tslil Reichman, Israeli shlichah (emissary), organized the program and shared her thoughts about the holiday. Because military service is mandatory in Israel, most Israelis, including Reichman, have lost friends and family members. 

Cantor Judy Seplowin of Temple Beth-El in Providence sang “El Maleh Rahamim.”

At the end of the program, those in attendance were invited to light memorial candles.

FRAN OSTENDORF is the editor of The Jewish Voice.