WBCJC unveils innovative one-day religious school


Benjamin Levine works on sukkah decorations for the sukkah at Tamarisk. /WBCJCBenjamin Levine works on sukkah decorations for the sukkah at Tamarisk. /WBCJC

Families today face many demands, difficult choices and sacrifices, but finding community, practicing your Jewish faith and educating your children about Judaism shouldn’t be among them. The West Bay Community Jewish Center, in Coventry, strives to make religious school an easier fit for both parents and their children.

Through the years, Principal Susan Sugarman has noticed that fewer and fewer students were attending the second day of religious school, largely due to the time constraints on busy young families. Sugarman and Rabbi Richard Perlman responded by creating a new model that condenses the curriculum into a single weekly class, held on Sunday mornings.

The new school model covers the same lessons but uses a different approach: More games to help students better remember the material, a twice-monthly review to reinforce the lessons, and a creative reward system to encourage students to share their learning with parents, siblings and other students. In addition, weekly lesson plans are sent home with the students for further review and study.

Now that this model has been in place for three months, Perlman and parents are very impressed with the results. As a parent, I am particularly delighted that my boys bring home the lessons they learned in class, bringing a new aspect to our family’s dinner conversation.

The curriculum is also enriched by visitors, such as Israeli shaliach (emissary) Gilor Meshulam; field trips, such as a visit to Tamarisk assisted living residence, in Warwick, to build a sukkah; and special events, such as a lively Hanukkah program.

The rabbi also visits classes often, helping students learn traditional elements of Judaism, such as prayer, and the havdalah and Shabbat services.

LISA LEVINE lives in Coventry and is a member of West Bay Community Jewish Center. Parents who are interested in the West Bay Community Jewish Center’s religious school should contact Sugarman at myredsox31@verizon.net.