Touro Fraternal Association awards educational grants, loans


 The Touro Fraternal Association, the largest men’s independent Jewish fraternal association in the Northeast, has selected eight young men and women to share a total of $30,000 in educational financial aid.

Three of the recipients will receive $3,000 scholarship grants, while the others will share a total of $21,000 in interest-free loans from the Cranston-based association’s Leo Greenberg Memorial Scholarship Fund. 

The 2016 grant recipients are:

Samuel Ackerman, son of Barry Ackerman, of Cumberland.  Sam is a junior at Columbia University, where he is studying political science. He is part of a group called the Columbia Political Union, which focuses on voter registration on his college campus as well as providing a forum for debates.

Erik Brenner, son of Jeremy Brenner, of Smithfield, is a freshman at Eastern Connecticut State University. Erik will study digital art design. He is an Eagle Scout and has competed in the Science Olympiad. In addition, he was a member of the Smithfield High School chapter of the National Honor Society and the National Technical Honor Society.

Halle Lury, daughter of Alan Lury, of Sharon, Massachusetts, is a freshman at Curry College, studying graphic design. While in high school, Halle was involved in a Rosh Hodesh youth group for girls.  She also attended March of the Living. 

Regular Touro members, their spouses and children, and children of deceased Touro members enrolled full-time for the 2016-17 academic year in an accredited institution of higher learning are eligible for grants. Regular members, their children and children of deceased members similarly enrolled may apply for the interest-free loans.

Since the fund was established in 1981, approximately a half-million dollars has been distributed to students.All loans are interest-free and repayment begins six months after the student graduates or ceases to be a full-time student. To date, there have been no defaults on loans.

For more information about the Touro Fraternal Association, go to, email to, or call 401-785-6600.