Temple Beth-El Sisterhood caps year with plaque dedication


It was quite a night for Temple Beth-El’s Sisterhood May 25. During an evening of celebration, the officers and board for 2016-2017 were installed. And the Sisterhood Past President’s Plaque was dedicated.

“Through this plaque, we honor Sisterhood presidents, as well as our Sisterhood past, present and future,” Barbara Brown, chair of the committee, told the gathering at the temple in Providence.

“Our mission was to document our history for future generations, to see and know of our accomplishments, and to validate our existence.  It is important to have this timeless representation and everlasting tribute to these special women who have served the Temple Beth-El community,” she said. 

Nancy Riffle was instrumental in gathering names, she told the group.      

“Three years ago, we celebrated Sisterhood’s centennial anniversary. We honored our past presidents and the history of our Sisterhood at Temple Beth-El,” Brown said.

“To have a  more permanent reminder of the 100 years plus of our existence, our Sisterhood voted to fund a plaque to hang at our Temple, commemorating our Beth-El Sisterhood Past Presidents.

President Cheryl Greenfield presented the organization’s annual report. New officers and board members were installed by Trina Novak, a Women of Reform Judaism board member from the Northeast district. The evening ended with an original song by Greenfield and remarks by past President Karen Isenberg.

Information submitted by Sisterhood of Temple Beth-El.