Providence Hebrew Day School to host melaveh malkah


Walk into Providence Hebrew Day School these days and you’ll notice constant activity. Yes, the children are busy learning and playing, but since the summer, the school has been abuzz at all hours with contractors – electricians, carpenters, plumbers and other workers who have been tirelessly working to update the close-to-50-year-old building. All this work, which includes a new heating/air conditioning system as well as environmentally friendly lighting improvements, is part of Phase 1 of PHDS’s Capital Campaign and is expected to be complete by the end of January. 

To mark the completion of the first phase, the school will be hosting a melaveh malkah (post-Shabbat light meal) on Jan. 28 at 8 p.m. This is an opportunity for current parents, the board and friends of the PHDS community to join together in celebrating these much-needed upgrades and learn about the plans for Phase 2.

In addition to thanking donors and sharing plans for the next phase, attendees will have the op-portunity to enjoy an upscale dairy meal and be inspired by the words of Rabbi Simon Taylor. Rabbi Taylor is the regional director of New England National Council of Synagogue Youth. Prior to moving to New England, Rabbi Taylor worked for Aish UK and also served as a chaplain in the British Armed Forces.

There is no cost to attend this event and all are welcome. Sponsorship opportunities are available. To learn more, contact Elaine Saklad at

– Submitted by Providence Hebrew Day School