New England Rabbinical College annual dinner


The New England Rabbinical College, located on Blackstone Boulevard, will host its 32nd annual dinner on Sunday, Feb. 19 in the Brown Hillel Social Hall. The college is aimed at post-high school and post-graduate students pursuing Talmudic studies and is New England’s premier institution dedicated to this endeavor. Students engage in the study of the Talmud and classical commentaries in their original text. At the same time, they pursue secular degrees at local colleges.

The college’s annual dinner draws wide attendance from within the community as well as outside of the community. The gathering celebrates the accomplishments of a select group of honorees – individuals who have earned their respective awards because they exemplify the teaching of the Mishnah (Pirkei Avos 1:2) and represent “the three pillars upon which the world stands.”

The New England Rabbinical College is privileged to honor Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Lipson of Providence. Rabbi Lipson’s profound impact on the college in his role as a teacher of Talmud and mentor for the past 30 years is keenly felt in the community. He is integral to the functioning of the college and has formed lasting bonds with current and former students.  Rabbi Lipson, and his wife, Miriam, a teacher at Providence Hebrew Day School and New England Academy of Torah, love Torah and love the Jewish people. They combine these loves as they impart Torah wisdom in their open home that reaches out to Jewish people from everywhere.

Mr. and Mrs. Akiva Feinsod will be recognized as the Alumni Achievement awardees. Feinsod’s successful career path, as a managing partner of Reception Hotels & Resorts/GreatStay Hospitality Partners, together with his wife, Roselyn’s, path as a senior partner at Aon Hewitt, have always been governed by their recognition of the centrality of Torah study in the life of a committed Jew. They are well-known in their Jewish community of Monsey, New York, for their faithful involvement in, and support of, many communal needs. And it goes without saying that they devote themselves equally to their family, of whom they are so proud.

Rabbi and Mrs. Yaakov Beker will be presented with the Harbotzas Torah award. The Bekers are uniquely qualified to be recipients of this award, which recognizes distinction in the area of Jewish education.  Rabbi Beker, whose career as an educator was inaugurated at the Providence Hebrew Day School, distinguishes himself with his devotion to his students and the excellent quality of his lessons. He is a well-recognized and beloved role model for his students at the Maimonides School in Boston.  Together with his wife, Leah, who is a registered nurse, the Bekers are held in high esteem in the Boston Jewish community.

A commemorative journal expressing good wishes and appreciation to the honorees will be presented at the dinner.

For more information and to place a reservation, call Chana Twersky at 401-274-1361 or email

– Submitted by New England Rabbinical College