‘Humans  of Tel Aviv’  at a glance


The free exhibit will be shown Feb. 1–March 2 in Gallery (401) at the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island’s Dwares Jewish Community Center, 401 Elmgrove Ave., Providence.

The collection of 36 photos and stories by Tel Aviv photojournalist Erez Kaganovitz illustrates Israel’s diverse society; the photographer sees Tel Aviv as a microcosm of Israel.

Hours vary. Call 401-421-4111 for more information or visit jewishallianceri.org/israel-70 for a full list of Israel@70 events


On Sunday, Feb. 25, Kaganovitz will lead three workshops at the JCC, with the first geared toward teenagers.

•            11 a.m. “Telling Your Story through Photography”:  Each of us has the ability to tell a story using photographs. This workshop gives teens the basic tools to show the world how it looks through their eyes.

•            1 p.m. “Human Rights and the Public Sphere”: “Tel Aviv’s public sphere is comprised of many different social groups that are able to live together in peace, respect and dignity. But the contrasts between different values are still felt within the streets of Tel Aviv and raise interesting questions about the boundaries of democracy.

“Using photographs from this project, we will explore together the subtle but present tensions among the different social groups in Tel Aviv, and use this city as a laboratory to explore democracy,” Kaganovitz wrote.

•            4 p.m. “Humans of Tel Aviv and the Social Fabric of Tel Aviv”: “In this lecture, I will share with you what I have learned after photographing 1,000 life stories, and what I have learned about Tel Aviv and Israel.

The amazing social fabric of Tel Aviv will be unraveled for you by the life stories of the different humans who participated in this project. It’s actually ‘Tel Aviv 101’ for those who want to better understand why Tel Aviv is one the most liberal cities in the world,” Kaganovitz wrote.