First-grade milestone


The 19 first graders at the Providence Hebrew Day School pose with Rabbi Avrohom Jakubowicz, Judaic studies teacher, and Rabbi Peretz Scheinerman, dean, after receiving siddurim at the siddur party on Feb. 23.

Parents, grandparents and friends listened to the students and Rabbi Jakubowicz speak and sing about the joys of reading Hebrew and being able to pray and learn Torah. Then each student was handed his/her own siddur with a beautiful personalized cover.  The covers were sewn by Miriam Peromsik, mother of a student in the class, and the names written in Safrus (the writing style used when writing a Torah scroll) by Rabbi Shmuel Taitelbaum, father of a student in the class and a Sofer (scribe). 

After the children received their siddurim, Rabbi Scheinerman spoke to them about the beauty of a siddur that can be used in prayer by young and old, those first learning and those who are very knowledgeable about Judaism.  

Refreshments were enjoyed by all.

– Submitted by Providence Hebrew Day School