Don’t miss ‘mitzvah and a movie’ at Temple Beth-El


On Feb. 5, from 1-3 p.m., the Sisterhood of Temple Beth-El in Providence will host it’s annual family event, “Mitzvah and a Movie.” Families will make party favor bags for Birthday Wishes, a local organization that provides birthday parties for homeless children. Afterward, there will be a special screening of “Toy Story 2.” A pizza lunch will be provided by the Brotherhood of Temple Beth-El, starting at 12:30 p.m. Light snacks and drinks will also be provided. 

Admission is a package of 12 party favors per person. Favors should be sets of the same item, gender neutral – not food or candy. Party favors can also be purchased at the door. The event is open to the community and will take place in the Temple Beth-El Meeting Hall at 70 Orchard Ave.

– Submitted by Temple Beth-El Sisterhood