Congregation Beth Sholom families welcome fall with apple-picking and mysterious corn mazes


On Sunday, Sept. 25, the children of Congregation Beth Sholom (CBS) had an a-maze-ing time at Dame Farm and Orchards in Johnston. In the first social event of the season sponsored by the newly expanded Children’s Program at CBS, some 15 children and their families ran through the orchards picking apples by the half-bushel and eating almost as many. Although the orchard had only Macoun apples available due to the problematic weather during the spring and summer, these were plentiful and, based on the kids’ happy faces, plenty delicious.

Bags (and bellies) full, the families set off for the giant corn maze in the field below the orchard. Easy enough to enter but moderately challenging to exit, the maze soon had the adults a little flustered while the children confidently navigated the turns and found the secret passageways. Only a few adults finally had to give up and cut through the corn to exit.

A fantastic time was had by all.

“We’re very excited about our expanded programming for children and families at Congregation Beth Sholom,” said Brauna Doidge, chair of the programming committee and vice president of the board. “In addition to our new Junior Kiddush Club, every Shabbat for kids of all ages, we have a number of family-friendly events throughout the year. Next up, we are very excited to be hosting a community-wide havdalah on Nov. 19 with Temple Emanu-El and Temple Beth-El.”

For more information about our family programming go to, or contact

 – Submitted by

Congregation Beth Sholom