Caring project lights up the night for congregants


Students work on their upcycled menorahs. /Temple Torat YisraelStudents work on their upcycled menorahs. /Temple Torat Yisrael

“With the hidden light, the Holy One nourishes the world.” (Zohar Shemot)

According to reports from Temple Torat Yisrael’s Caring Committee and Cohen School, there are congregants who are no longer physically able to drive to the synagogue for Shabbat and holiday celebrations. The committee and the school have partnered to “Light up the Night,” and bring the Hanukkah party to them.  With a little glue and paint, Cohen School fifth to seventh graders transformed old wood and egg cartons into LED light menorahs. The students were especially proud to reuse or “upcycle” the materials for the menorah and Hanukkah cards. Christine Stanger coordinated the project. Several of the menorahs will be on display in the synagogue lobby and during various Hanukkah happenings.

On Dec. 6, the groups went to the Phyllis Siperstein Tamarisk Assisted Living Residence in Warwick to Light up the First Night of Hanukkah. Students presented their menorahs to residents and the rabbi led everyone in candle lighting and songs. Each of person could be a shamash for someone else, that’s what family and community is all about. When you give light to others you don’t lose light – but the light actually increases! The Caring Committee will partner again with Cohen School families for the annual Purim mitzvah of bringing baskets of treats to friends and neighbors. 

With Reports from Rabbi Aaron Philmus of Temple Torat Yisrael