Call for yahrzeit notices


Dear Members, good friends and the Jewish community

The synagogue is updating yahrzeit notices.  This is a complimentary service of the Congregation Sons of Jacob. If you would like to be notified by post card one week before the yahrzeit date, please call the synagogue at 401-274-5260, write to 24 Douglas Ave., Providence, R.I.  02908, or e-mail with the following:

Your beloved’s English name(s).

Your beloved’s Hebrew name(s) (if possible).

The father’s English name, and Hebrew name if possible.

English month and date of passing.

Hebrew month and date of passing, if possible.


A healthy, peaceful, and prosperous New Year 5776 and 2016, and beyond, to you and yours. Peace and security in Israel! Listen for the footsteps of Moshiach!

Harold Silverman


Congregation Sons of Jacob

Providence, R.I.