Ask the director


Question:  If the yahrtzeit falls on Shabbat or a High Holy Day like Yom Kippur, do I still light a candle?    

A.R., Providence

Dear A.R.,

Yes. However, the candle is lit before the Shabbat candles or just prior to the start of the High Holy Day.


Question: What is Yizkor?

H.L., Providence

Dear H.L.,

Yizkor, in Hebrew, means “remembrance.” It is a prayer said on the first holiday after a loved one passes away. Yizkor services are held four times a year: The eighth (final) day of Sukkot, the eighth (final) day of Passover, the second (final) day of Shavuot, and on Yom Kippur. When one recites Yizkor, it may serve as a time to reflect, commemorate and honor a loved one.

Questions are welcomed and encouraged. Please send questions to: or by mail to Ask the Director, c/o Shalom Memorial Chapel, 1100 New London Ave., Cranston, R.I. 02920.