Ask the Director



D.S., Barrington

Dear D.S.,

If you miss the yahrtzeit date of any family member, the recommendation is to attend synagogue and recite Kaddish on the next closest Shabbat, according to the rabbis I spoke to. They also added, “Saying Kaddish late is better than not saying it at all.”


Is there a cost for a burial flag and military honors?

S.A., Providence

Dear S.A.,

The cost was paid by the veteran when he or she performed service for our country. The funeral director will need a copy of the DD-214 (Honorable Discharge Papers) and a copy of the certificate of death to fill out the proper paperwork, arrange with the military for the rifle volleys, taps, and folding and presenting the flag to the veteran’s family, and replace the flag for the next veteran who has earned the honors.

Questions are welcomed and encouraged. Please send questions to: or by mail to Ask the Director, c/o Shalom Memorial Chapel, 1100 New London Ave., Cranston, R.I. 02920.