Temple Emanu-El presents "The Tanakh: New Perspectives"


The Tanakh: New Perspectives A Delve Deeper course taught by Michael Satlow, Professor of Religious and Jewish Studies at Brown University How should we read the Tankah? Is it a source of ethical behavior and Jewish law? An accurate history of ancient Israel? A political document created to give authority to certain interest groups? A myth? A literary fiction? This course will explore these, and other, approaches to the Tanakh, highlighting the diverse ways in which this pivotal text has been, and continues to be, read throughout history. Cost: $200 (scholarships are available) Please register at www.teprov.org/institute /delvedeeper or 401-331-1616

Event Dates
Thursday from Thursday, October 4, 2018 through Thursday, December 20, 2018
Event time
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Cost / donation
Rachel Zerin,