First graders celebrate Siddur party


/Rabbi Peretz ScheinermanOn Wednesday, Feb. 19, all of the Providence Hebrew Day School first graders received their siddurim [prayer books] and chumashim [Torah in printed form vs. scrolls] at a program coordinated by their Judaic Studies teacher, Rabbi Avrohom Jakubowicz. Parents, grandparents, siblings, and the students in Grades 2-5 gathered to celebrate this momentous occasion.

Rabbi Jakubowicz began this special event by welcoming everyone and thanking all those who made this day possible, including Mrs. Miriam Peromsik (mother of first grader Tehila), who made the covers for the siddurim, and Rabbi Shmuel Taitelbaum (father of first grader Esther), who wrote the students’ names, using his skills as a scribe. The students then did a great job reciting their parts and singing songs about using their siddurim to pray and learn Torah. They also demonstrated the accomplishments of their Torah learning by reading and translating the first verse of Parshas Lech Lecha, which they had just mastered.

After all of the students received their siddurim Rabbi Scheinerman, dean of the school, spoke to the students about the importance of their learning. He told the gathered guests that Rabbi Joshua Levy, an educational consultant who visited the school the past week, was so impressed by the methods used to teach the students  their beginning Chumash skills that he wants to return and video Rabbi Jakubowicz and the children so other educators may benefit from seeing this special learning.

Of course, the program ended with delicious refreshments for the guests.  

MIRIAM ESTHER WEINER is Principal of the Providence Hebrew Day School.