Re: No American Jew should vote Democratic (Oct. 2)


As an American citizen, I’m proud to be able to vote for whomever I choose on Election Day. I also defend Jerry Fogel’s right to urge people to vote for the party of his choice. But I object to his chutzpah that he has to tell me what to do. 

When I vote, I take many factors into consideration, including the fact that I do not know everything that is going on behind the scenes; that simplistic arguments are insufficient for decision making; and that Jewish values, including but not limited to the welfare of Israel, are relevant in assessing the situation. I cannot make a decision based on a single action without considering alternative scenarios (e.g., what does the Republican party offer as an alternative to the Iran deal) or other actions that have been taken in conjunction with the deal (military support to Israel from the U.S.).  The best support of Israel is not always agreeing with Israel’s politicians and policies.

Alice Goldstein

Warwick, R.I.